Schuetze Titel

The zodiac sign Sagittarius belongs to the signs of fire and the dominant planet is Jupiter.

True to the motto "Doesn't work, doesn't exist", the shooter is optimistic and enthusiastic at the same time.

Whether as a pendant, as a rough stone for the desk or as a drum stones in the water carafe-THE right stone is always the best choice.

The properties of Sagittarius strengthen the following stones:
  • Larimar-broaden the horizon
  • Light blue chalcedony-self-confidence
  • Lapis lazuli-optimismus
  • Sodalite-laudacity
The weaknesses of the shooter compensate for the following stones:
  • Dolomite-a sense of reality
  • Azurite malachite grounding
  • Indigolite (blue tourmaline)-willingness to compromise

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